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Join Us

If you are passionate about work rather than merely see work as a means for earning a living; understand the importance of teamwork and can overcome difficulties and share success with others; aim far and high without ignoring the tedious details, we can provide you with a platform to unleash your talent.

At Botuo law firm, employees have the opportunities to get better training. Through various training, we help new-comers to get adapted to the new environment as soon as possible, such as new employee training, professional field sharing, classical case discussion, and biweekly reading. In addition, we often invite external experts on irregular basis to hold lectures of LUNCH TALK and internal online discussions. Through training activities at different levels, with extensive contents and flexible forms, lawyers at each level can immerse themselves in a constant learning state.

At Botuo law firm, we are a warm family. We not only help you grow, and we also have professional cameramen, editor team, and logistics service team. Whenever any coworker needs help, one email is enough for you to receive a warm reply. In order to promote exchange among coworkers, Botuo Shanghai has opened a space of about 30 ㎡ as a cafe and reading corner in designing the new office, creating a relaxing and delightful communication space for everyone.

Criminal lawyers
Corporation lawyers
Civil and commercial lawyers
Real estate lawyers
Construction engineering lawyers
International trade lawyers
Finance/capital market lawyers
Intellectual property right lawyers
Administrative lawyers
Entertainment and sports lawyers
  • 国内外知名法学院本科或以上学历,硕士、博士及留学背景者优先;
  • 持有律师执业证,且8年以上执业经历;
  • 具有良好的客户资源及开发能力,具备优秀的团队管理能力和领导力;
  • 具有专业化业务拓展能力和行业服务经验。
  • 国内外知名法学院本科或以上学历,硕士、博士及留学背景者优先;
  • 持有律师执业证,且未受过执业处罚;
  • 热爱律师职业,拥有良好的职业道德,扎实的法学功底与出色的执业能力;
  • 具有专业化业务拓展能力和行业服务经验。
  • 国内外知名法学院本科或以上学历,硕士、博士及留学背景者,通过司法考试优先;
  • 精通公司法、合同法、经济法等各项业务及相关企业法律;
  • 具备较强的学习及分析问题的能力,专业知识扎实;
  • 工作认真负责,具有良好的沟通协调能力及抗压能力,具备优秀的职业操守;
  • 具备较好的逻辑思维、沟通表达和组织协调能力。
  • 国内外知名法学院本科或以上学历,硕士、博士及留学背景者优先;
  • 持有律师执业证,且5年以上执业经历;
  • 具有良好的客户资源及开发能力,具备优秀的团队管理能力和领导力;
  • 具有专业化业务拓展能力和行业服务经验。
  • 国内外知名法学院本科或以上学历,硕士、博士及留学背景者优先;
  • 持有律师执业证,且未受过执业处罚;
  • 通过国家律师资格或司法资格考试或具有二年以上法律工作经验,具有相关法律工作经验和独立处理诉讼案件经验者优先;
  • 形象良好,具有较强的责任心、沟通协调能力和分析能力。
  • 国内外知名法学院本科及以上学历;
  • 法律功底扎实,良好的分析、处理、应变及解决法律问题的工作能力;
  • 具有良好的沟通协调能力,较好的书面和口头表达能力;
  • 熟悉office WPS办公软件的使用。

Together, we will inspire infinite creativity

Contact Us

Tel: 158 0560 8928
Email: maggie.lv@botuolaw.com

Tel: 186 7673 3865
Email: lily.yuan@botuolaw.com